TVE (Spain’s public TV): Newscast,  night edition (01/03/18)


New piece dedicated to Hardcore Maternity and our book, This time, the cameras were in Madrid and the videocall, in Brooklyn.

And they exchanged our roles in the project, but, oh well, that also happens to us every once in a while…

TVE (Spain’s public TV): Newscast,  night edition (10/05/16)


TVE’s New York correspondant, Almudena Ariza, dedicated a full report to Hardcore Maternity for the night edition national newscast, on prime time.

Esther talked to her in Brooklyn and Marga used Skype to connect from the heart of Madrid.

And then our website crashed with visits…

‘La ventana’, Ser radio network, Spain. 10/25/17


10 minutes riding the waves of the most listened afternoon radio show in Spain, ‘La ventana’ (‘The window’).

It was great talking to Francino and his team.

Minute 4:45. It will be a great way to practice your Spanish 😉

El País Semanal (11/12/17)


The Sunday suplement form Spain’s most read newspaper dedicated a full page to review our book. And a very complete one where many secrets never told are actually revealed…

And that “Punk maternity” title on the print issue was so cool it was switched on the online version!

You can also read it online here.

Página 12 (01/08/18)


2018 kicked off great with this interview with Marga and Esther in Página 12, a newspaper from Argentina! (in Spanish):

Letter from Spain, November 2017


The magazine from Spain’s Ministry of Labour interviewed us about the project ant the book.

You can read the complete piece on pages 32 and 33 (in Spanish):

Yorokobu (10/21/16)


The online version of one of Spain’s most important trend magazines included a very complete piece on Hardcore Maternity.

And that title they used (‘Maternity is not the tall tale you’ve been told’) generated online conversations that could fill a whole new book.

You can read the full article here (in Spanish).

El País (04/18/17)


Spain’s most read newspaper talked (both in its online and offline versions) about Hardcore Maternity and the book that we’ll publish this fall in a piece about female illustrators, cartoonists, creatives, humorists and artists involved in comic book projects.

And, at last!, our moms and grandmas, once they saw our names in real paper (in the Arts section and not in Night Life) they could actually touch, realized our funny drawings and dialogues are very serious stuff!

‘Ser padres’ magazine, February 2017


This magazine, focused on counseling parents and parents-to-be, created a special feature about comic strips and maternity in which ‘Hardcore Maternity’ had 2 full pages of glory.

And Esther and Marga’s picture with Santa Claus broke the Internet again.
